Equity, Justice & Community
Our Statement
Lambent Data is dedicated to working hand-in-hand with, listening to, & learning from our community partners. Lambent’s collaborative, HIPAA-compliant OurREACH™ addresses health & social drivers of health, including housing, jobs, education, financial literacy; it also supports & celebrates parenting. OurREACH™ is built to increase access to healthcare, improve outcomes, advance health equity, strengthen relationships between families & providers/payors of healthcare & social services, & reduce healthcare costs.
We at Lambent recognize that much effort is needed to dismantle systemic racism, work against racial & other biases, & build opportunities so that all people can flourish.
We also recognize that health equity includes environmental factors such as ways to cope with excessive heat & cold, eliminate lead exposure via paint & water, reduce pollution, & more.
In addition, we have seen that racial bias & other biases can be "hard-coded" or otherwise enter into technology platforms & data products in subtle, harmful ways. Our team is committed to making sure that our ideals are reflected in our code & in all of our work.
Since our founding, we have been committed to justice, equity, & community – as we support healthcare & social service practitioners & the patients/clients with whom they engage. We strongly affirm our dedication to work for equity, diversity, social & environmental justice, & community-building – so that children, adults, families, & communities across our country thrive.