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Lambent Data Pitches at Lion's Den

Updated: Jul 21, 2024

Lambent Data was selected as one of 11 companies chosen from over 135 applications to pitch at the Lion’s Den DFW conference that occurred April 10-11, 2024 in Dallas, Texas.  The conference attracted over 400 attendees, including Tim Tebow, who gave remarks prior to the keynote speaker Tommy Martin, CEO of the Tim Tebow Group.  The conference focused on ways that Christians who are entrepreneurs, investors, and others can build a strong impact in the world.  

Lambent’s Co-founder and CEO Kirsten Hund Blair delightedly participated in the jam-packed conference, including pitching on stage April 11 morning, in the beautiful, large Pilgrim Chapel at Dallas Baptist University (DBU). The conference was emceed both days by DBU Professor Sandra Williamson, who also provided helpful tips to the entrepreneurs, including during the rehearsal April 10, regarding pitching in this expansive venue. DBU President Adam Wright introduced Tim Tebow. 

Kirsten and fellow pitching entrepreneurs also presented and answered questions during a “deep dive” session for accredited investors on April 11 afternoon, and were featured at a “Meet the Founders” reception on April 10. Lambent also displayed materials at a table throughout the conference, including inviting participants to connect about potential organizations that could use Lambent’s OurREACH™  collaborative software. Kirsten was excited by the very positive feedback from investors, other entrepreneurs, and others – as well as suggestions for potential customers and potential partners. Kirsten was also thrilled that her Harvard Business School classmate and friend Sue Thirwall, who is an entrepreneur and investor living in the Dallas area, attended the conference and kindly helped Kirsten in various ways during her stay.  Kirsten also was glad to interact with other friends from Dallas who were not able to attend the conference but helped her in other ways while she was there – Diana and Geoff Newton (Geoff’s a Princeton classmate) and Andy Webb (another HBS classmate). 

The 11 companies span industries and international locations. The enterprises and entrepreneurs are featured here. Kirsten enjoyed engaging with the fellow entrepreneurs.  The LDDFW organizers are graciously providing ongoing support beyond the conference, to highlight the entrepreneurs, including access to a “Data Room” on the First Rate platform.  Lambent and the other companies provided detailed documents to include in the Data Room, to which the accredited investors at the conference have access. In addition, other accredited investors can request access. Please contact Kirsten at to request this access. In addition, all the pitching companies will also be connected with mentors for six months through Ardent Mentoring. 

This approach of facilitating connections was also evident in other ways throughout the conference. The two lunches and two dinners that were included (along with the “Meet the Founders” reception) all emphasized the opportunity for participants to talk with one another. There were brief remarks at each, but most of the time was focused on people talking with each other at their tables or mingling in the room. 

The conference opened with a Worship Service with an international theme, including DBU students (who hail from over 50 countries).  A panel of the Lion’s Den DFW Board members then discussed the purpose of the conference and the broader LDDFW mission. The panel included LDDFW Co-founders and Board members Ed Pearce and Vip Vipperman; other Board members Kurt Knapton, Sheeba Phillip, and Doug Williamson; and moderator Tamanno Hodjihanova.

Later in the conference, Kurt Knapton joined Katherine Braynard, Jonathan Harkless, Steve Helms, Ben Huteson, Dorothée Kawama Ilunga, and Christeen Rico as pitch judges.  And Doug Williamson moderated the “Deep Dive” session for accredited investors. 

A panel during April 11 focused on For-Profit Ways to Combat Human Trafficking. Wade Myers and Wes Lyons of Eagle Venture Fund have set up the Eagle Freedom Fund focused on investing in founders and companies directly fighting slavery and human trafficking. 

There were also numerous interactive breakout sessions for participants, including tracks for investors, family offices, and entrepreneurs. Here is a link to the schedule. Other speakers included DBU Director of the Graduate School (and Professor) Ross O’Brien, as well as representatives from Sponsors, including the Impact Foundation, Ambassadors Impact Network, EverSource Wealth Advisors, and others. DBU students helped throughout the conference.  Many more details about the inspiring gathering can be found at the 2024 conference link. Pictures and videos will be added in the future to that link. Please see numerous photos posted throughout and below this article.


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